André Krijnen

DataFlow in SSIS and OLE DB Command

by on Jul.11, 2009, under Programming, sql server, SSIS

I’ve been working for the first time with a DataFlow of updating data in a SQL Database with SSIS. The only problem is that a colleaque did made it, but he forget something with it. After reading some documentation about the DataFlow in SSIS and the using of a OLE DB command to execute a Stored Procedure I came to a certain problem.

The problem is that a OLE DB Command can execute a Stored Procedure, but the error handling is really a issue. Why, you can give a output parameter with it, but for some reason it doesn’t work well. The question is why they didn’t use a SQL Task to execute a Stored Procedure. Now I’m searching why my stored procedure isn’t fired well.

Well the problem is that the stored procedure contains a error handling not supported by the OLE DB Command. And when you have error handling handled by you SSIS you get a Error Number 0 returned. So your searching for a problem with Error number 0? That’s really crap. So I get rid of the Error handling in the stored procedure, and well the funny thing is that the stored procedure really is fired well and with filled parameters. But another problem is now that there are not enough parameters filled to execute the Stored Procedure properly.

So I have to search for that issue to solve the problem….

:, , , , , , ,

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