André Krijnen

SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 is released (SharePoint info)

by on Jul.30, 2011, under maintenance, Reporting Services, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint Foundation, sql server, Update

So after some time Microsoft just released there first Service Pack for SQL Server 2008 R2. This package contains alot of improvements regarding to performances for Analysis Services.

You can download SP1 here:

Also when you’ve running SharePoint Server 2010 with Reporting Services integrated you should update your Reporting Services to the latest Service Pack. Also an important notice to this, you should also download the SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 Feature Pack to accomplish some other improvements.

You can download SP1 Feature Packs here:

When you’ve downloaded the Feature Packs you should also install the following components to all SharePoint Servers:

  • rsSharePoint.msi
  • sqlncli.msi

The first one is the SQL Server 2008 r2 Reporting Services Add-In for SharePoint Server 2010

The second is the SQL Server Client 2008 which you also have to install when you install the prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2010.

The third is also a component which is used in the prerequisite for SharePoint Server 2010.



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