André Krijnen

About me

Welcome to André Krijnen’s Official Blog

Who is André Krijnen?

André has been professional computer dude for over 15 years, specializing in the Microsoft Technologies. His love for all these technologies began since the moment he used his father’s computer and it started to grow more and more when he became older. At the age of 17 he started to work as software developer/tester for a small company and from that moment on his life was all about computers, software and hardware.

In 2011 he was honored as one of the first 1000 Microsoft Community Contributor awards for his contribution and commitment to Microsoft Technology communities. He has the pleasure to write software for different Microsoft Technologies like Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, NAV and AX. Writing .NET applications for different organizations around the globe.
André presented sessions on SharePoint Saturday’s and events like Unity Connect in Amsterdam.

André is currently working his dream job as a CTO and Microsoft Technology Architect at Silverside. He works for about 20-30 customers every year, and has more than 15 years experience in developing and maintaining complex Microsoft Solutions for multinationals and very small companies. His dedication, skills and personal commitment to reach a goal makes him a real asset.

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